Your Journey Starts Here
Please fill out the information below.
First Name:
Last Name:
Address Info:
PO Box #:
Mailing Address:
Apt #:
Cell Phone #:
Ok to contact by text?
Email Address:
Date of Birth:
Please choose a state and then your high school. If your school is not listed, please choose 'Not Found'.
High School State:
High School Name:
If your high school is not in the list above, please enter the high school name below:
High School Not Found:
High School Grad Year (YYYY):
Have you met with an Admissions Rep?
I would like information about the Build Dakota scholarships (free-ride) available through LATC.
I would like information about dual enrollment (college courses) available through LATC.
I would like information about the EPIC camps that are open to all high school students.
I am:
Program of Interest (1st Choice):
Program of Interest (2nd Choice):
Program of Interest (3rd Choice):
Preferred Method of Contact: